- PD1 Egyptian Sarcophagus - removal lid and mummy plus 2 concealed
drawers in base and 6 small tablets
- PD2 Giant dungeon burrower
- PD3 Creature from the Dungeon well
- PD4 The Ripper of Skull Dungeon
- PD5 The giant dungeon keeper 'Janus'
- PD6 'Gark' the devourer of dwarves
- PD7 The Rampaging Man Creature
- PD8 Hangist the enchanted winged dragon
- PD9 Small winged scorpion dragon
- PD10 Dungeon crawlers
- PD11 Pack of 3 acid spitters
- PD12 Empty coffin with lid
- PD13 3 Talismans - Uzet-Eye of Horus, Winged Scarb and Fatima's Hand
- PD14 3 circular embossed shields
- PD15 Treasure pack 1
- PD16 Treasure pack 2
- PD17 4 coffin-shaped shields
- PD18 Pack of books and scrolls
- PD19 6 different swords
- PD20 6 different battle-axes
- PD21 3 large 2-handed swords
- PD22 6 different daggers
- PD23 Pack of human remains (12 pieces)
- PD24 Large surprise treasure chest with removable lid. Comes with treasure
and monster
- PD25 8 human skulls
- PD26 Amabus - Giant-warrior type monster
- PD27 Naked female voodoo dancer
- PD28 Voodoo magicians set
- PD29 King Arthur's ornate throne
- PD30 Seated figure of King Arthur for PD29
- PD31 Newly hatched baby Gore Monster
- PD32 3 flute-faced, blood-sucking Dungeon Lizards
- PD33 'Gunmoil' the dwarf-armourer at work
- PD34 Stand of dwarf arms and armour
- PD35 'Cobnir' dwarven decorator of arms - polishing a shield
- PD36 The Evil Dead
- PD37 Gallows set
- PD38 Set of 2 large Urns with removable lids - comes with 3 figures and
treasure to place inside
- PD39 Old Alchemist at work
- PD40 Beautiful Nude Princess reclining on ornate couch with hubbly-bubbly
pipe and parrots on perch
- PD41 Wolf Maiden
- PD42 Weapons Pack
- PD43 The Pendal Demon. Ugly creature 40mm high lurking on
pile of human remains
- PD44 Jack in irons - Cornish giants decorated with chains and heads of
his victims
- PD45 The Devil
- PD46 Large rampaging Wolfman
- PD47 The Dungeon Wanderer - Misshapen man covered in Octopus-type suckers
- 30mm
- PD48 Medieval hunchback
- PD49 Barbarian Hero pack - 4 figures
- PD50 Medieval Knights pack - 4 figures
- PD51 Warriors of the Undead - 4 figures
- PD52 Resurrection set - 3 decomposed bodies rising from the slime
- PD53 The Creature from the Shadows
- PD54 Set piece of 3 Demons emerging from a bubbling mire
- PD55 Dungeon lurker - creature of great strength - 30mm
- PD56 Dungeons scuttlers - pack of 2
- PD57 Giant pincer-tailed Silverfish - pack of 2
- PD58 SPECIAL VALUE PACK. 6 different creepy-crawly lowlife
- PD59 Armoured Dungeon Stalker - scaled monster - 50mm
- PD60 Giant Pincer-mouthed Grub
- PD61 The Sorceress - semi-nude woman on a Weird rock pinnacle in the process
of up the horrors of hell. Overall height 60mm - ideal for use with PD51
and PD53 or most of the nasties
- PD62 Catacomb Case. Set consists of 2 removable ends, one end has a skull
and crossbones on it, the other end a demon's head. Once one end has been
removed a draw can be extracted inside which can be placed treasure, human
remains, magic books and spells or any of the smaller monsters. Any number
can be added together to construct walls of crypts
- PD63 Female barbarians - 4 figures
- PD64 Harem Girls - Set of 4 erotic girls in different poses
- PD65 Slave Girl set - Set of 4 different naked slave girls
- PD66 Giant Snotgurgle Monster - 40mm
- PD67 Troll Witch - ugly misshapen hag
- PD68 Pack of 4 Orcs, Set contains 4 different Orcs, 4 shields and an assortment
of weapons. swords, axes and battle hammers
- PD69 Pack of 4 Bat Winged Warriors. Set contains 4 different Warriors,
4 shields, 3 swords and 3 battle axes
- PD70 Pack of 8 decapitated Human heads
- PD71 Thorfin, the young Treasure Dragon, 90mm long with bat-type wings
and pile of treasure
List contributed by David Wood, additions by Tom Beyer.